
Proof Read

Do not forget to read through your documents carefully! Always have another pair of eyes review your documents. Many additional corrections are found by others.

4-Color Process Printing

All files must be set up in CMYK, not RGB. No spot Colors or Pantones colors can be used.

Image Format & Resolution

For best results, files should be saved as eps, tiff, or pdf. Images should be saved at 300 ppi (pixels per inch) at 100% size.


The major reason a job is delayed is Fonts! Submit all fonts used in the job. Remember to use fonts used in linked graphics or illustrations.

To avoid any font problems, you can convert your fonts to outlines in primary and linked files.

Trim Line

Include trim lines in all documents.


Create the document in actual and have the bleed extend 1/8" (0.125") beyond the trim line.